We believe in providing a caring, loving and supportive learning environment for tamariki, whānau and kaiako where their well-being is nurtured and promoted.
We provide a stimulating and inclusive learning environment that supports our diverse community and encourages tamariki to explore, be inquisitive and confident in their own abilities, allowing them to develop their own individual interests and talents at their own pace.
As part of our holistic approach to early childhood education, kaiako have meaningful interactions with tamariki that foster trust, confidence and build self-esteem.
Kaiako work in partnership with tamariki and their whānau to support their learning journey during their time at the Pre-School, as well as individual transitions to school and the wider community.
We expect all tamariki, kaiako, and whānau will demonstrate respect towards each other and the environment.
We will continue to implement the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi by practicing, promoting and celebrating Tikanga and Te Reo Māori within our centre.
All cultures and beliefs are to be respected, celebrated, valued and woven into the whāriki of Donald Street Pre-School.
As life-long learners, our DSPS whānau will regularly revisit and reflect on our practice and curriculum to continually improve our learning environment